Sunday, January 26, 2020
Global Health Issue Analysis: HIV/AIDS
Global Health Issue Analysis: HIV/AIDS GLOBAL HEALTH ISSUES Global issue is a broad description that is often used to explain matters of great social concern that affect human populations locally and that are shared among diverse human societies within our global community. Global issues koncern us all and one at the heart of many valuable learning experiences. Issues such as environment al sustainability, health, peace building and human rights focus students attention and contemporary events and how they affect our lives at a local and global level. Many people argue that globalization has Server to bring the world closer together creating a more cooperative environment. The impact of new information and communication Technologies has changed the way people learn, work and live. From the suffering of the Second World War emerged a new international organization- the United Nations. The United Nations founding, In 1945, enabled its Member States and their peoples to work together to promote peace and cooperation, economic and social development, and a clear Visio codified by international law. In 1981, one of the leading causes of death in our time broke upon the world scene. The new ailment was named acquired immune deficiency syndrome(AIDS) and also Human immunodeficiency virus(HIV). HIV means that you have tested positive for the virus and it does not become AIDS usually for ten years or until immune system problems appear. HIV/AIDS causes immense suffering to millions of people. UNAIDS (the joint United Nations programme on HIV/AIDS showed that HIV/AIDS has bee diagnosted in every continent on the globe, yeti t is distribution is far from even. One of the many consequences of the pandemic is that it has a major impact of life expentancy among the worlds poorer countries. The impact of AIDS on life expectancy is also felt beyond Africa, albeit somewhat less dramatically. Haitis life expectancy is currently almost six years less than it world heve been without AIDS, in Combodia it is currently four years lower. South Africa has also been affected, in Guana, for example, the probability of becoming HIV- positive between the ages of 15 and 50 is 19% or nearly 1 in 5. North America, for example, has 950.000 people living with HIV/AIDS and Western Europe 550.000 whilst in Australia and New Zealand 15.000 people (UNAIDS, 2002). In Africa, 28 million people are infected with HIV and 11 million African children are thought to heve been orphaned by AIDS (WHO, 2000). Kopelan and van Niekerk (2002) suggested that the scale of the HIV/AIDS epidmic in Africa is often explained away by pre-existing notions of a diseased, corrupt and backward continent and they argue, forcefully, for international support, albeit with reather than for African countries. Unfortunatelly biomedical and pharmaceutical responses have had a relatively small impact upon the pandemic. Attempts to devlop vaccines, for example, have had limited success and these endeavours have probably been hindered by the allocation of relatively Modest amounts of funding. Between US dollars 300-and US dollars 600-million a year have been spent on the development of HIV vaccines(UNAIDS, 2002). There has been more success in the development of antiretroviral drugs and these are prolonging thousands of ives in high- income countries(Babiker et al., 2002). However, these drugs continue to remain inaccessible to the majority of those infected by HIV. Since the people most affected by HIV/AIDS are often those with the least access to economic power or political influence it is, perhaps, hardly surprising that so many governments offer such a lukewarm response( de Wall,2002). In many of the poorer countries in which HIV/AIDS predominates, and where people with AIDS have little or no access to medical care or treatment, responsibility for the care of the dying ultimately falls on the poorest households (Ellison et al.,2001). In countries where governments do not take the initiative in responding to HIV/AIDS, and where the disease is often shrouded in stigma and denial, there is unlikely to be widespread popular presure for change. In this way, at an individual and a social level, the enormity of AIDS and the burden of copying tend to get hidden in the lives of ordinary familie( Palloni and Lee, 1992). UNAIDS Global Reference Group on HIV/AIDS and Human Rights (2004) ensuring rights based approach is: the global scalling up of the response to AIDS, particulary in relation HIV testing as a preveguisite to expanded access to treatment, must be grounded in sound public health practice and also respect protection, and fulfilment of human rights norms and standarts. The voluntariness of testing must remain at the heart of HIV policies and programmes, both to comply with human rights principles and to ensure sustained public health benefits. The following key factors, which are mutually reinforcing, should be addressed simultanously : Ensuring an ethical process for conducting the testing, including defining the purpose of the test and benefits to the individuals being tested and assurances of linages between the site where the test is conducted and relevant treatmant care and other services, in an environment that guarantees confidentiality of all medical inforamtion. Adressing the implications of a positive test results, including non discrimination and access to sustainable treatment and care for people who test positive. Reducing HIV/AIDS- related stigma and discrimination at all levels, notably within health care settings. Ensuring a supportive legal and policy framework within which the respons eis scaled up, including safeguarding the human rights of people seeking services. The HV/AIDS epidemic has deep historical roots. The epidemic have to be seen against this broad background. There are lessons to be learned, not Just about this disease, but about health, well-being and development as well.It is the first global epidemic of which we have been commonly conscious. Health and well-being are not individual concerns: they are global issues. There are opportunities for innovation and for more ââ¬Ëgoods but there is only a glimmer of hope . These are: Global intersectoral action through transnational co-operation and partnerships between public health and trade and finance sectors. Pro vide information about comparative health status and global determinants of health and well-being. Research programmes that concentrate on developing cost-effective technologies to improve the status of the poor. Recognition that management of health and well-being is a common human project and that the for-profit sector can only have limited incentives to meet those needs (Alonso, 2001). But there are many abstacles because we need to persuade people of the true cost of HIV/AIDS and business has a role to play, but the business of business is profit no welfare. Perhaps that is also an assumption that must be challenged. In the same way that HIV/AIDS is about more than health, so business has responsibilities beyond three complementary mechanisms: the market- distribution through competitive pricing, second one is the hierarchy- distribution through organisation process and the last one is values- distribution as a response to accepted ethical principles (Alonso, 2001). Through unprecedented global attention and intervention ef fors, the rate of new HIV infections has showed and prevalence rate have leveled off globally and in many regions. Despite the progress seen in some countries and regions, the total number of people living with HIV continues to rise (Barnett and Prins, 2006). In 2007, globally about 2 million people died of AIDS, 33 million were living with HIV and 2,7 million people where newly infected with the virus (WHO, 2008). The impact of HIV/AIDS on women and girls has been particulary devastating. Women and girls now comprise 50 percent of those aged 15 and older living with HIV but, the impact of HIV/AIDS on children and young people is a severe and growing problem. In 2007, 370,000 children underage 15 were infected with HIV and 270,000 died of AIDS and about 15 million children have lost one or both parents due to the disease (WHO, 2008). The sixth Millennium Development Goal (MDG) focuses on stopping and reversing the spread of HIV/AIDS by 2015. Global funding is increasing, but global need is growing even faster-widening the funding gap. Services and funding are disproportionately available in developed countries. HIV infections and AIDS deaths are unevenly distributed geographically and the nature of the epidemics very by region. Epidemics are abating in some coutries and burgeoning in others. More than 90 percent of people with HIV are living in the developing worl (UNICEF, 2007). The health care systems of most African countries, already inadequate. As the serious nature of the pandemic and it is effect on the developing world came into sharper focus in the 1990s, so did the incoherence of international policy. The nature of the crisis was given recognition in 1995 when the United Nations set up UNAIDS to co-ordinate global policy by bringing together under one heading six key international agencies: WHO, UNDP, UNICEF, UNEPA, UNESCO and the World Bank. The re-orientation of policy towards AIDS was proposed, more or less across the board, in the face of increasingly pessimistic forecasts of the effects, both short and long term of the pandemic on whole populations in Africa (Ellison et al.,2003). In Southern Africa insurance companies are gathering such information because they routinely test people before offering cover. These data are biased to those applying for policies and are often comercially sensitive and so they tend not to be publicly available. For companies wishing to estimate how the epidemic is going to affect their workforce, the advert of saliva and urine tests mean, surreys can be carried out more easily. This is a routine procedure to test blood donations and these data can provide a picture of what is going on in what should be a low- risk group. HIV data are also collected and constructed according to political, social and other biases (UNAIDS, 2000). HIV/AIDS is not the first global epidemic, and it wont be the last. It is the disease that is changing human history. HIV/AIDS shows up global inqualities. It is presence and impacts are left most profundly in poor countries and communities (Bernett and Whiteside, 2006). Public health system are undefunded; politically they attract few votes, and in parts of the world they are close to collapse. For the moment, there is only a mere itimation of any system of global public health. Social and economic conditions negate many gains made by any particular intervention. Health is not any about confronting individual diseases. Well-being, of which health is a part, is a reflection of general and economic conditions (Anderson and May, 1992). Economic impact means that families suffer major economic problems as productive adults become ill, including: loss of income as family members become sick and are unable to work, or have to give up work to care for the sick and limited income being consumed by expensive drugs and funerals. Countries suffer significiant economic impacts including: los of investment in education and the knowledge and skills of professionally trained people, reduced ability to produce food and high costs of treatment and demands on health system (Adler, 2001). Human and social impact means that peoples who lives are affected in many ways which include: a wide variety of physical health problems , social isolation due to stigma and misunderstanding of the spread of the disease (Barnett and Prins, 2006). The purpose of workplace policy on HIV/AIDS in South Africa (UNAIDS, 2008) is to provide clarity on TOTALs views and commitments with regard to HIV/AIDS and the comprehensive management of HIV positive employees and employees living with AIDS. TOTAL is fully committed to protect employees, create awarness, encourage behaviour changes where necessary as well as ensure that all employees are treated with the necessary dignity, fairness and equality (USAID, Global Partnership, 2004). Some major reasons for unnecessary deaths around the world are therefore due to human decisions and politics, not just natural outcomes. Well- intentioned companies, organizations and global action show that humanisty and compassion still exists, but tackling systematic problems is parramount for effective, Universal health care that all are entitled too. Addressing health problems goes Beyond just medical treatments and policies; it goes to the heart of social, economic and political policies that not only provide for healthier lives, but a more productive and meaningful one that can benefit other areas of society. Bibliography: De Wall, A. (2006) Aids and power. South Africa Barnett, T., Whiteside, A. (2006) Aids in the Twenty- First Century, Disease and Globalization. 2nd ed. Palgrave Macmillan. Hunter, S. (2003) Who cares? Aids in Africa. New York. Bond, G. C., et al. (1997) Aids in Africa and the Carribbean Ellison, G., et al. (2003) Learning from HIV and AIDS. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. Barnett, T. and Parkhust, J.(2005) HIV/AIDS : sex, abstinence and behaviour change. Lancet Infections diseases. 5 (9), 2-5. Stillwagon, E. (2005) Aids and the ecology of powerty. Oxford: Oxford University Press. UNAIDS Global Epidemic Report (2000), accessed on 25/11/09, ( Centres for Disease control and prevention from: ( Anderson, M. and May, R. (1992) Infections disease oh humans: Dynamics and control. Oxford: Oxford University Press. Adler, M.(2001) The ABC of AIDS. London. Farmer, P.,(1999) Infection and Inequalities: the modern plaques.California: University of California Press. Barnett, T. and Prins, G. (2006) HIV/AIDS and security: Fact, Fiction and Evidence. London. Caldwell, J.C., Caldwell, P. and Quiggin, P.(1989) The social context of AIDS in Sub- Saharan Africa. Population and Development Review. 15(2), 185-234. UNICEF (2000) The Progress of Nations. New York. World Health Organization (2000) The World Health Report 2000: Health Systems- Improving Performance. Geneva. Palloni, A. and Lee, Y. J.(1992) Some aspects of the social context oh HIV and it is effectson woman, children and familie. Population Bulletin of the United Nations. 33(2): 64-87. Garnett, G. et al. (2002) Antiretrovival therapy to treat and prezent HIV/AIDS in resource-poor settings. Nature Medicine.8(6): 651-654.
Saturday, January 18, 2020
Brihadeeswara Temple Essay
Location: The Brihadeeswara is located in Tanjavur district in Tamilnadu, India. The temple was built on the banks of River Cauvery with its water turned to the moat. The temple, constructed entirely of granite, stands amidst fortified walls. There was no rock formation around this area. It is believed that the rocks would have been brought from a place at least 50kms away. History: The temple had its foundations laid out by the Tamil emperor Arulmozhivarman, popularly called Rajaraja Chola I, in 1002 CE, as the first of the great Tamil Chola building projects. It was built to grace the throne of the Chola Empire in compliance of a command given to him in his dream. The scale and grandeur is in the Chola tradition. An axial and symmetrical geometry rules the temple layout. Temples from this period and the following two centuries are an expression of the Chola wealth, power and artistic expertise. The emergence of such features as the multifaceted columns with projecting square capitals signals the arrival of the new Chola style. The Brihadeeswara Temple was built to be the royal temple to display the emperorââ¬â¢s vision of his power and his relationship to the universal order. The temple was the site of the major royal ceremonies such as anointing the emperor and linking him with its deity, Shiva, and the daily rituals of the deities were mirrored by those of the king. It is an architectural exemplar showcasing the pure form of the Dravida type of temple architecture and representative of the Chola Empire ideology and the Tamil civilization in Southern India. The temple ââ¬Å"testifies to the brilliant achievements of the Chola in architecture, sculpture, painting and bronze casting. â⬠Construction: The wish to build a mammoth temple like this is said to have occurred to Rajaraja while he stayed at Sri Lanka as an emperor. This temple is the first building fully built by granite and finished within 5 years [1004AD ââ¬â 1009AD]. The solid base of the temple raises about 5 metres (16 feet), above which stone deities and representatives of Shiva dance. The huge kalasam or Vimanam (top portion of the shrine) is believed to weigh 81. 28 tonnes and was raised to its present height by dragging on an inclined plane of 6. 44 km. The big Nandi (bull), weighing about 20 tonnes is made of a single stone and is about 2 m in height, 6 m in length and 2. m in width. The presiding deity of lingam is 3. 7m tall. The prakaram (outer precincts of the temple) measures 240m by 125m. The outer wall of the upper storey is carved with 81 dance karanas ââ¬â postures of Bharathanatyam, the classical dance of Tamils. The shrine of Goddess is added by Pandyas during the 13th century; Subramanya Shrine was renovated by Vijayanagara rulers and the Vinayaka shrine was renovated by Maratha rulers. Architecture: The gopuram of the main entrance is 30 m high, so smaller than the vimana. It is unusual in the Dravidian architecture where the gopurams are generally the main towers and taller than the vimana. A first rectangular surrounding wall, 270 m by 140 m, marks the outer boundary. The main temple is in the center of the spacious quadrangle composed of a sanctuary, a Nandi made of a single stone, a pillared hall and an assembly hall (mandapas), and many sub-shrines. The most important part of the temple is the inner mandapa which is surrounded by massive walls that are divided into levels by sharply cut sculptures and pilasters providing deep bays and recesses. Each side of the sanctuary has a bay emphasizing the principle cult icons. The karuvarai, a Tamil word meaning the interior of the sanctum sanctorum, is the inner most sanctum and focus of the temple where an image of the primary deity, Shiva, resides. Inside is a huge stone lingam. The word Karuvarai means ââ¬Å"womb chamberâ⬠from Tamil word karu for foetus. Only priests are allowed to enter this inner-most chamber. In the Dravida style, the Karuvarai takes the form of a miniature vimana with other features exclusive to southern Indian temple architecture such as the inner wall together with the outer wall creating a pradakshina around the garbhagriha for circumambulation (pradakshina). The entrance is highly decorated. The inside chamber housing the image of the god is the sanctum sanctorum, the garbhagriha. The garbhagriha is square and sits on a plinth, its location calculated to be a point of total equilibrium and harmony as it is representative of a microcosm of the universe. In the center is placed the image of the deity. The royal bathing-hall where Rajaraja the great gave gifts is to the east of the hall of Irumudi-Soran. The circumambulation winds around the massive lingam in the garbhagriha and is repeated in an upper story, presenting the idea that Chola Empire freely offered access to the gods. The inner mandapa leads out to a rectangular mandapa and then to a twenty-columned porch with three staircases leading down. Sharing the same stone plinth is a small open mandapa dedicated to Nandi, Shivaââ¬â¢s sacred bull mount. Surrounding the main temple are two walled enclosures. The outer wall is high, defining the temple complex area. Here is the massive gopuram or gateway mentioned above. Within this a portico, a barrel vaulted gorpuram with over 400 pillars, is enclosed by a high wall interspersed with huge gopurams axially lined up to the main temple. Legends: After the death of the patron, Rajaraja Chola I, his son Rajendra I who was a great military leader succeeded him in 1014. During his reign, he extended the territory of already vast Chola Empire up to the banks of the river Ganges in the north and across the ocean. He shifted the capital of the Chola kingdom to Gangaikondacholapuram, about 60km away, and started building a new temple there, as he wanted to build a bigger version of ââ¬Å"The Big Templeâ⬠. Rajaraja Chola I donated a big amount of money for the maintenance of the Brihadeeswara. But, Rajendra I had diverted all the money for the construction of his new temple. His decision deprived the Big Temple of royal patronage. However, Rajendra was able to build only a smaller version of the Big Temple, eventually. Furthermore, the Cholas built hundreds of temples along the banks of the River Cauvery, changing its landscape forever. None of the forts and palaces built by the Cholas survives today. But the temples remain and they stand testimony to their achievements. They are also a major tourist attraction for both local and foreign visitors. Myths: The 60-metre tall Vimana is the tallest in South India. A European-like figure which is carved on the Vimana is believed to be an ancient warning of the arrival of the Europeans. Later investigations by archaeologists proposed that this claim may be a hoax. Features: Another widely held belief is that the shadow of the gopuram (pyramidal tower usually over the gateway of a temple) never falls on the ground. . The temple is said to be made up of about 130,000 tons of granite. The Kumbam itself, a 60 ton granite stone carved in one piece, on top of the main gopuram is believed to have been taken to the top by creating an inclined slope to the height of 66m to the top of the gopuram. The prevailing belief is that a mud-slope, which starts at about three miles from the temple site, from Thirukoilore (birthplace of Raja rajaââ¬â¢s mother) near Sri Virateshvara swamy temple. Elephants might have been used to drag the stone up the slope. This was claimed to be the only part of the gopuram, which does not cast a shadow that fall on the ground, at least not within the temple premises. Millennium celebrations: Built in the year 1010ce by Rajaraja Chola in Thanjavur, Brihadeeswara Temple popularly known as the ââ¬ËBig Templeââ¬â¢ turned 1000 years old in September 2010. To celebrate the 1000th year of the grand structure, the state government and the town held many cultural events. It was to recall the 275th day of his 25th regal year (1010 CE) when Rajaraja Chola (985ââ¬â1014 CE) handed over a gold-plated kalasam (copper pot or finial) for the final consecration to crown the vimana, the 59. 82-metre tall tower above the sanctum. Latest News: During the consecration (Kumbhabhishekham) of 1997, 48 people were killed in a fire accident and 86 others injured. The incident occurred hours before the Mahakumbabishekam ceremony. It is believed a fire cracker lit near the temple fell on the yagasala; a temporary structure built to accommodate the ritual ceremonies, and sparked the fire that spread to the thatched roofs. A stampede resulted when the panic-stricken devotees rushed the only entrance to the temple on the eastern side. However, another version claimed the fire was caused by a spark from the electric generator. Most of the deaths were reported be caused by the inhalation of carbon monoxide and a few due to burn injuries. The Tamil Nadu Government announced a compensation of Rs 100,000 to the families of the deceased and the injured were paid from Rs 10,000 to Rs 50,000 each. Government of India, Mumbai Mint issued Rs. 1000/- coin to commemorate the 1000th year of the temple. And at last the Brihadeeswara is an unbelievable, extraordinary master piece of architectureâ⬠¦Ã¢â¬ ¦Ã¢â¬ ¦actually designed not by Rajaraja, but by Somavarma the temple architectâ⬠¦
Friday, January 10, 2020
A Leap Further By Being Stiff Essay
The concept of being inflexible or being stiff in making decisions has been conceivably one of the finest characteristic which has served the protagonists in the famous stories made in Asian literature.à Pak Hun in The Descendants of Cain, the student in Ya Dafuââ¬â¢s Sinking and Junshi in Creation, portray a character which in one point or another gives light to what appears to be sturdy sense of personality in the arena of decision making and in the context of survival and collaboration with the other characters in the story.à Perhaps that certain point of personality is nevertheless one of the viable factors why the aforementioned roles portrayed has been greatly regarded by the viewing audience, and in a larger concept, patronized as distinctive and distinguishing for that instance (Anderson). Pak Hun in Hwang Sun-wonââ¬â¢s Descendants of Cain à à à à à à à à à à à The main character of the story is Pak Hun, which is characterized as a passive person with eternally hesitant and ineffectual finesse.à Even though he is placed in a pedestal of social and political turmoil over the issue of survival and the perception of ââ¬Å"not acting is not surviving,â⬠the author gave him a powerful disposition in the love story that he has shared with the married lover, Ojaknyo.à His nostalgic yet inexorable presupposition on how to help the people in his village without compromising his fists just to save the love he has painstakingly pampered has caused him well in leading on to his venture in life and manhood. Unlike the other heroes in most stories, Pak Hun is deprived to act in his own will, driven by the horrors of reality and of what seemed to be his inherited fate in social class and on his manner in taking on the course of life.à Apparently, this so-called stated cowardice has served him the best of his effort, his compassion for others has saved him from the infamous destiny that he has forsaken.à Being sympathetic and sensitive has been a source of syntax towards emotion and a stronger drive for the Hamlet-like character to lead more than what he might further get in return of the ââ¬Å"inflexibilityâ⬠not to move mountains but to live a life worth living (Choe). The Student in Ya Dafuââ¬â¢s Sinking à à à à à à à à à à à The connotation of ââ¬Å"national allegoryâ⬠in Yu Dafuââ¬â¢s Sinking offers an articulate and interwoven portrayal as represented by the student in the story (Denton).à Consequently, several critics portrayed the character as that which depicts the political situation of China as well as with the state of ââ¬Å"powerlessnessâ⬠that it is experiencingââ¬âgradually that of a modern mind, alienated from the faà §ade of the society, turned in on itself, ultimately divided and desolate for liberalismââ¬âpsychologically apart from the social milieu. Sexual liberalism was rarely stated in the story, hence, in the general context in deciphering the meaning of the whole gist of the story, it would be seen that the student is after the ââ¬Å"affectionâ⬠of love and sexual activityââ¬âwhich on the more complex comprehension determines the fatal state of crisis of China in that certain point of time.à The protagonistââ¬â¢s patience and admiration to the flow of what seemed to be ââ¬Å"natural way of lifeâ⬠has saved him from being off the scene of explicit exposure to the red light society which he later finds out to be a beneficial thing within the grasp of the May Fourth dilemma. Those who were behind the bars of desperation have been emotionally convicted in living in agonyââ¬â¢s sagacity and apparently making them a part of the unidentified sinking icons in their community.à All of which lead to a single idea that the protagonist himself his leading a social transformation through the light of traditionalism.à Nevertheless, it showed that the point of ââ¬Å"sinkingâ⬠was happening in a nationalistic schema which in the vortex of the south and traditional Chinaââ¬â¢s scenario, it may be taken to assumption that a moral community has longed for a distant sense of transformation which is clouded by a strike of fantasy and illusion. Junshi in Mao Dunââ¬â¢s Creation à à à à à à à à à à à The Creaation, published in the year 1928 commences the story with Junshi, an intellectual man experiencing a crisis in life and a flashback of emphasis on failed projects which on the brighter side has made the protagonist gain much by choosing to stick on the result of what has been defined as lacking of revolutionary consciousness.à The ostensibly optimist portrayal with regard to womenââ¬â¢s emancipation has been symbolized through Junshiââ¬â¢s stubborn yet sanguine personality which fueled his drive to overcome pessimism (Anderson). à à à à à à à à à à à The inflexible and confining ideals that has bewildered Junshi was basically a manifestation on his dream and hope, perceivably, to transform his wife, Xianxian through the advent of providing her with the amenities and educational entities which are aimed to mold her into a fashionable and politically and culturally inclined woman. Junshi then later finds out that his so-called creation of his wife has not given him the ample point of expectation that he wished to have, rather making him the person who is to catch up rather than one to have molded his wife in return.à The very fact that it has weakened his wifeââ¬â¢s dependence on him and made her stronger in an astonishing effectââ¬âunlike the other characters in the aforementioned stories, inflexibility in Junshiââ¬â¢s case has been unsuccessful and has even made him see himself as a pitiful and apathetic person rather than that which ruled their marriage. Works Cited Anderson, Marston. ââ¬Å"Beyond Realism: The Eruption of the Crowd.â⬠Mao Dun, Zhang Tianyi, and the Social Impediments to Realism: The Regents of the University of California, 1990. Choe, Wolhee. ââ¬Å"The Descendants of Cain.â⬠Pacific Affairs 73.2 (2000): 2. Denton, Kirk A. ââ¬Å"The Distant Shore: Nationalism in Yu Dafuââ¬â¢s ââ¬Å"Sinkingâ⬠.â⬠Chinese Literature: Essays, Articles, Reviews (CLEAR) 14 (1992): 107-23. Ã
Thursday, January 2, 2020
Bp Marketing Problem After Oil Spill - 2538 Words
British Petroleumââ¬â¢s Marketing Problem Florida International University Summer 2011 Alex Del Veccio Yudith Torres BP Marketing Problem In April 20th, 2010 one of the worst environmental natural disasters that were brought on by a men happened. We are talking about the British petroleum Oil spill on the Golf Coast. The disaster not only affected the plants, animals and people living in the area but also the image of the company. British Petroleum has been successful on creating a powerful brand image, being authentic to the core values of its business and building the goodwill of their customers, now BP is trying to save what is left after the disaster. The disaster leads to many angry people, including environmentalists,â⬠¦show more contentâ⬠¦This Survey that came out in June 2010 show these findings. Only Toyota who went through a massive recall shows worse. Many more surveys show that consumers were not please with British petroleum (eye, 2010) Following are s few notes from the article on the corporate eye s website (eye, 2010): * From an Economist and YouGov survey: When it comes to trusting BP to ââ¬Å"do the right thing in stopping the oil spill and cleaning it up,â⬠9% of respondents said they trust BP ââ¬Å"a great dealâ⬠and 13% trust BP ââ¬Å"quite a bitâ⬠while 20% have ââ¬Å"only someâ⬠trust that BP will do the right thing, and another 20% said they have ââ¬Å"very littleâ⬠trust that BP will do the right thing. The majority of respondents, 28%, trust BP ââ¬Å"not at all.â⬠The remaining respondents stated that they were not sure how they felt. * From the same Economist and YouGov survey: 65% of respondents believe that BP and other companies involved in the oil spill are ââ¬Å"pointing the blame on others and avoiding responsibilityâ⬠while just 35% believe BP and other companies involved are ââ¬Å"doing whatever it takes to stop the spill and clean up the oil.â⬠* From a USA Today/Gallup poll: 34% of theShow MoreRelatedPetroleum And Natural Gas Exploration Essay1701 Words à |à 7 PagesSummary April 20, 2010 was the beginning of the end for British Petroleum. BP was started in 1901 by William Knox Dââ¬â¢Arcy. Their mission is to operate oil and natural gas exploration, while marketing and distributing all over the globe. The primary issues the company faces are rebuilding their business after the tragic oil spill, their low oil prices and internal leadership promotions. 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With this in mind, offshore drilling can be a viable option for satiating the need of oil and also to boost the economy of the nation. In this report, I am going to discuss how the current Deepwater Horizon rig explosion has led to disastrous oil spill into the Gulf of Mexico causing environmental problems and also discuss how the oil spill if resolved and with safe andRead MoreFshore Oil Drilling Job1229 Words à |à 5 Pagesemotional expression and informationâ⬠(p. 299). The offshore oil-drilling job is complex and needs engineering expertise. BP had undertaken deep-water oil drilling at the Macondo well using the Transocean offshore oil rig. It is expected that BP and its partner, Halliburton, Transocean needed detailed collaborative communication plan across between all the parties. Let us examine some of the critical communication before the disaster. BP engineer communicating that, the cement job went well and furtherRead MoreBp s Improve Sustainability And Its Reputation For The Deepwater Horizon Disaster1620 Words à |à 7 Pagesgas station BP. Dââ¬â¢Arcy had a thrill over oil and decided to invest all of his savings in the quest for oil in the Middle East. Experts and scientists helped encourage Dââ¬â¢Arcy to pursue the venture. But years started to pass and funds starting to run low, William was starting to feel as if this was the wrong investment. Throughout the years BP has gone through a plethora of ups and downs. From bankruptcy, to not being able to transport oil to desired location, and also having more oil than they couldRead MoreAn Audit Of Beyond Petroleum s Ethical Practices1500 Words à |à 6 Pagescould be done to rectify the issues identified. Introduction Beyond Petroleum (BP) is one of the worldââ¬â¢s largest energy industries, ââ¬Ëoperating in all activities which are connected with the oil and gas industryââ¬â¢. This includes ââ¬Ëexploring, producing, refining, distributing and marketing of these products to a global marketââ¬â¢. BP operates in over 80 countries with over 83,000 employees, producing 3.2 million barrels of oil daily and an economic value of $403.3 billion (6). According to the EngineeringRead MoreThe Global Energy Giant With A Legacy1485 Words à |à 6 PagesWith an astounding 84,500 employees, BP produces 3.2 million barrels of oil per day. With an estimated contribution of $359.8 billion generated by the company in economic value, it s no . vi secret that BP makes a solid impact, but at what price? The Anglo-Persian company s disputed and controversial beginning goes back to Persia in 1908. The global entity now has several heritage brands including: Amoco, ARCO/ampm, Sohio, Castrol and Aral. In 2014 BP devised a three-year 10- point plan focusingRead MoreThe Analysis Of The Deepwater Horizon Study Group1365 Words à |à 6 PagesBP leadership along with partners did not have proper governance and process to evaluate the risk that they are willing to take. The employee at every level does not know how much risk to take nor did any corporate policy exist to guide them. Having zero risk tolerance and zero safety defects in these complex operations ensure there are no human losses. The analysis of the Deepwater Horizon Study Group (2011) (p.11) shows that the leadership was concerned about how much money was spent in excessRead MoreBritish Petroleum ( Bp ) Essay917 Words à |à 4 Pages British petroleum (BP) is one of the seven super major oil company in the world. BP are the fourth largest gas and oil company in the world. BP has a hand in every aspect of the oil business from exploring for new oil to marketing and distribution. BP originally started as the Anglo-Persian Oi l Company in 1908, established as a subsidiary of Burmah Oil Company. The Burmah Oil Company. Would capitalize on discoveries they made in Iran and the middle east. The company would take its current nameRead MoreCase Analysis - Bp America, Inc. Essay1558 Words à |à 7 PagesAnalysis ââ¬â BP America, Inc.: The Prudhoe Bay Oil Spill and a Commitment to ââ¬Å"Being Greenâ⬠Michelle L. Staton Case Summary The Angelo-Persian Oil Company was formed in 1909 by a wealthy Englishman named William Knox Dââ¬â¢Arcy. It did not operate under the British Petroleum (BP) name until 1954. In early 1959, BP discovered hydrocarbons under the North Sea and Alaska, and found the West Sole gas field in 1965 which was the first oil exploration success in British waters. In 1969, BP discovered
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